Beautiful {part 2} | Self Portrait Series

{see part 1 here}

Lately, I've been contemplating the meaning of beautiful.


having beautypossessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc; delighting the senses or mind.

What is biblical beauty? To be beautiful on the inside... what does that look like? Well, Proverbs says it perfectly. 

{Proverbs 31:31} Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 

This is the true meaning of beauty- to fear the Lord. Our hair, makeup, and clothing has nothing to do with it. God sees us as beautiful if we fear him and love him, and ultimately? His opinion is what matters most. He's the one who will always be here. Our friends will go away, and people will die, but God is forever here. So it should be our purpose to please, fear, and love him with all of our beings. 

Last time, I had some explanations for elements of the photographs- the flowers and pearls- but this time, there's nothing there for a reason. I hope the simplicity of the silver chain and plain black dress show that real beauty is on the inside and we don't need outer adornments to make ourselves beautiful.


  1. I love these!! The lighting is amazinnnggg. I love the first and last one especially!! So cool and dramatic. Great job!!

  2. HOLY COW. these are ahh-mazing!
    i love number four and five, and you totes remind me of janelle putrich.
    you are freaking gorgeous, girl.
